Our Social Connection Programs at a glance
Social Clubs Program
The Among Friends Social Club and the Sharing & Caring Social Club provide adults experiencing mental illness and mental health concerns access to programs that offer vital social support programming, including activities aimed at community inclusion, creativity, recreation and leisure. Participants can experience resiliency, self-esteem, diversity, a sense of belonging and an ability to support one another because of their similar and/or shared lived experience. The Social Clubs take place in Halifax and Dartmouth during weekday afternoons.
Bev Cadham, Branch Co-Director / Social Clubs Manager 902.455.5445 / bev.cadham.cmha@bellaliant.com
If you are interested in volunteering with one of our Social Connection Programs please contact us at 902 455-5445 / cmhahal@ns.aliantzinc.ca and we will send you the appropriate application form.
Building Bridges Program
Many marginalized adults living with mental illness experience severe social exclusion because they have no social network or connection with people outside the mental health and social services systems. Building Bridges is an informal social support program for socially isolated adults living with moderate to severe mental illness, that offers small group settings, in addition to one-to-one social outreach with staff and volunteers.
Marg Murray Branch Co-Director / Building Bridges Manager 902.455.5445 / margmurray@cmhahalifaxdartmouth.ca